Short Stories

Spoiling Her Pet

Potlucksoup — Spoiling Her Pet

There was a pleasant crispness in the afternoon air, a hint of autumnal chill, and the smell of composting leaves as Gina arrived in the community garden nestled in the center courtyard of her apartment complex. Among the clothing hung at a free store, one the complex and her neighbors furnished, was a pair of costume dog ears and a well-worn leather collar. Both were pleasant reminders of an exciting adventure with a waifish pretty blonde named Kendall.

Almost a week ago she’d found Kendall volunteering at the Student Body Rental Center — A sort of brothel hosted by the nearby university where Gina worked and studied. The Center, as it was called by students, was quickly becoming infamous online because it offered volunteers an experimental drug that turned them into mindless dolls. The Center then offered those mindless students for sex.

As scandalous and controversial as it was, Gina was a regular visitor. BLNK, the drug the Center offered, helped her shake off the stress of grad school at the end of her week. Finding Kendall there, fresh off a dose of BLNK herself, was a lucky turn of events.

The garden was buzzing. Looking around she saw a few familiar faces studying, working on projects, or simply chatting. Many were acquaintances she passed as part of her daily routine, people she might have stopped to visit with if she weren’t looking for the woman she spent her whole last weekend spoiling.

“Gina!” There was an excited bark from one of the tables. Kendall hopped up, quickly crossed the garden area, and they were soon wrapped together in a hug.

“Welcome back. Let me look at you.” Gina commanded.

Kendall stepped back in a practiced way, stood up straight with perfect posture, turned around, and presented herself daintily. She wore a stylish wool coat with over-exaggerated pockets – both too large for her petite figure and too heavy for the weather. Beneath a thick woolen scarf wrapped around her neck was a pewter cross necklace. Gina felt oddly compelled to ask forgiveness for the licentious things she’d done to the woman the night before and things she hoped she could do to her in the future.

“What? Why are you smiling?” Kendall asked.

“You remembered the trick I taught you last night. I’m simply proud of you.” Gina was quite proud of herself too. She’d convinced Kendall, submissive and obedient in the most playful way, to return for a second date.

“‘Let me see you’ means I show myself off.” Kendall spun again. “Do you think I look okay?”

“To be honest, I’ve never had anyone do that for me before – be so obedient, I mean. And yes, you have a wonderful aesthetic.” Gina read an abundant amount of books on slave and pet play — both sorts of sexual power play — but never understood how pleasurable it could be until she was able to try her kinky fantasies with a real person for the first time. “I’m glad you came back.” Gina continued. It was an understatement.

“Why wouldn’t I come back?” Kendall lowered her voice as if trying to keep an illicit secret. “I had a lot of fun last time.” Gina didn’t want to explain further. Her own dating history wasn’t much to talk about anyway. She knew the icy sting of a lonely morning after an exciting one-night stand. After coming out as bisexual her freshman year, she’d been plagued by nervous smiles and polite rejection from pretty women.

“I’m excited to see what other tricks you remember.” Gina lead her date toward her apartment and the conversation away from her lackluster dating resume.

“Let me see you. Stay. Speak.” Kendall reported proudly as she followed along like an obedient dog. Her voice lowered again as if she were saying something terribly lewd. “I remember ‘sit’ and ‘beg’ too. See? I remember them all, mistress.”

Mistress. The honorific still made Gina giddy. Kendall had been the most submissive, obedient person she’d ever met. They strolled peacefully through the halls, sharing the details of their days.

When they arrived at the apartment door Gina stopped. She turned on her heel, putting herself between Kendall and the door.

“Sit.” Gina commanded.

“Oh. In public?” Kendall’s looked around shyly. Two neighbors passed by and she shrunk behind Gina. “Do I have to?”

Gina stifled a shock of embarrassment. She convinced herself that she was getting too excited. Kendall was submissive and eager to try out pet play but that sort of play had rules. They were both new to all of this. Both were willing and excited but, after only a few hours together, the delicate dance of learning one another’s boundaries had just begun. She made a mental note of Kendall’s preferences — She enjoyed being obedient and calling Gina mistress in public but performative poses were a no-no.

Gina apologized and felt awkward doing it—not because she hated apologies—but because she liked to think of herself as a composed person, well-learned in the rules of kinky play. She’d messed up the scene, said the wrong line, and could imagine her old theater teacher chiding her. That sort of thing never happened in the streamy novellas and fanfiction she read. All the trim-suited old-money vampires never stumbled with they commanded their pretty little blood slaves to obey; not even when they were inevitably flustered when genuine affection blossomed dramatically.

Gina held out her hand, palm up. “Is touching you allowed in public? Nothing too obscene, I promise.”

Kendall stepped forward and rested her chin on Gina’s open palm. “Yes. That’s allowed. But for now, you can only touch my head, mistress.”

“Why is that?”

“I have a surprise under my coat.”

“A surprise?” Gina hated surprises. They made her feel out of control.

“No peeking. If you peek I’ll bite.” She playfully nipped at Gina’s hand. The apartment door opened and she hurried in and draped herself across the back of the couch. Gina took her time, entered her kitchenette to the left of her door, and shrugged off the bags she was carrying. One held her paints for a plein-air session in the foothills west of town. The other held ingredients for the dinner she planned to cook for her date.

“You can see it when you guess what it is.” Kendall’s added.

“Doesn’t guessing what it is defeat the purpose of it being a surprise?”

“Maybe.” Kendall’s hips wiggled excitedly. “You still have to guess because I think it’s something you’ll like.”

“And how do you know what I like?”

“I promise I’m smarter than I act when I’m not all tingly, mistress.” Kendall answered. “I’m a math major and have a 4.0 GPA. I’m trying to get an internship at Troxell doing encryption this summer, you know.”

“I believe you are smart as they come, dear.” Tingly meant horny in Kendall-speak Gina fetched two mugs and clicked on an electric tea pot. “What sort of tea do you like?”

“Chamomile, lavender, or both. If I drink caffeine in the afternoon I’ll be up all night.” Kendall held up three fingers. “You get three guesses.”

“Can I ask for clues?”

Kendall mulled it over and approved with a nod.

“What color is it?”

“Blue. Like my eyes.”

Gina immediately thought of the sort of collar she would buy if Kendall ever allowed her to collar her properly. The leather collar from their last adventure was used, something she’d found discarded at the Center when they first met. She was getting ahead of herself of course but that was the pleasure of fantasy – it let her explore a future that might come to pass. Collaring, a true and proper collaring, was not exactly a first date thing. A true collaring meant that she would “own” that thin excitable beautiful woman.

“What are you thinking about?” Kendall asked, cocking her head to one side.

“Putting you in a proper collar one day.”

Kendall pulled her scarf tight up around her face, hiding it. “What makes a collar proper?” She sank beneath the back of the couch so that only her eyes peeked over. “There are different sorts of collars that people wear? Some aren’t proper?”

“There’s many types for many uses.” Gina unpacked the ingredients for their dinner. “There’s infinity collars. Those are a long term thing for serious things.” Gina didn’t want to say ‘relationship’ for fear that she’d come across as too clingy. She continued. “There’s also more discreet day collars. People wear those in places that might not be as open-minded or when they want to downplay their kinks and sexuality. There are leather collars too, of course, like the one you wore when I took you home from the Center. Except if you’re going to wear something like that again at least let me buy you a nice one. No need for that ratty old thing. Lord knows how many people wore that at the Center and they say they wash and sanitize everything there but you can never be too sure about that.”

“I’m not allowed to get my own?” Kendall sunk lower.

“You’re allowed to do whatever you want, perrita.” Gina laughed. “This is all just a game, a way to play. I won’t actually own you, you know.”

“Own me? You want to own me?” Kendall asked plainly.

“I. Well.” Had she stumbled too far again? “If, one day, you wanted to do that I would be amenable to the idea. Not literally, of course. It would be just like the other games we’ve played. It’s all play. So yes. Are you still having fun though? I can tone it down. We don’t have to explore the future, we can enjoy the right now.” Gina desperately wanted to own Kendall and very much wanted to explore that future with her but didn’t feel like it was something to bring up on a second date. She didn’t want to come across as possessive. Plus, kink was often something a person eased into. You didn’t just own someone right out. Real life wasn’t like her books. She couldn’t just go the a night market and buy a slave that would, naturally, fall desperately in love with her. Real life took real work.

“No. You’re okay.” Kendall rose again, resting her chin on the couch back now. “I just didn’t know collars were so complicated. I don’t know what owning means, in this context, but I don’t know a lot about fun things. I’m still learning. I just thought collars were a thing you wore when you got fuzzy, like when we’re at the Center. You wear collars there too, right?”

“Of course. Those are more for safety though. They’re a practicality. I heard they put them on blanks to keep them safe, for tracking and such.”

“But do you like wearing collars mistress?”

“While there, sure. It’s fine.” The tea kettle whistled. Gina fetched two satchels of chamomile-lavender tea and poured two mugs. She slid her date’s across the counter and beaconed for her to sit so they could face one another.

“Do they make you tingly though?” Kendall obliged and blew on her tea.

“When they’re on others, most certainly.” Gina tapped her own neck. “It doesn’t turn me on if I wear them. What about you?”

“I think so.” Kendall hid behind her mug. “What’s being owned like? Last time you called me your slave. Is that the same?”

“Oh, that’s a big question. I suppose it’s like any relationship. It varies from person to person.” Gina could feel her cheeks warming.

“Would you own someone if they wore a Center collar?”

“The aesthetic of them is fine. They have a sort of cyberpunk thing going on, I suppose. If it was a Center, that would mean the person is blanked, so I’d get to try out using a blank and that could be fun.”

“Yes.” Kendall whispered.

“In that case, depends on the person, I suppose. It would help if we had some connection beforehand. Blanked people are very compliant. You can’t really train them though.”

A lot of tension melted out of Kendall hearing that. She wafted her tea and made some pleasant mumbles about the smell and how much she enjoys the trappings of fall; pumpkins, leaves turning, and the chill in the air that let her wear cute coats and scarves.

Kendall went to sip but paused. “Can I drink while you guess?”

“Of course,” Gina rolled her eyes. “You’re my guest. You don’t have to ask to do that.”

“I know.” Kendall shrugged and sipped her drink.

“And you, can I take your coat?” Gina reached only to have her date lean back, evading her offer. “Perrita?”

“No touching below my chin mistress.”

“Of course not but,” Gina took a long look up and down her date, “are you hiding something cute under that coat?”

“Yes mistress.” She looked very proud of herself.

“Is it something you wore just for me?”

“Yes.” Kendall’s voice was a whisper fluttering through the steam of her tea. Her normally pale face now burned red and she hid her face behind her mug and looked away shyly. Holding up three fingers, she lowered two. “That was two guesses. One left miss. You’re making me fuzzy.”

“That’s not the surprise?” Gina blew on her tea, suddenly anxious that she might lose this game. “Why is me guessing making your fuzzy?”

“It’s not you guessing. It’s what I’m wearing.”

“Give me another hint.” Gina was desperate not to lose. “Please?”

“Only if you promise to take care of me if I let you own me one day.”

“Dios mío. Sí. Sí. Yes.” Gina nearly spilled her tea and held out her hands for Kendall to hold. “You’d let me do something like that? Not right away of course but when you felt ready?”

“You also said you wanted me to be your slave.” Kendall said shyly. “I like when you tell me what to do. It’s different than how my ex-boyfriend was. The longer I’m here at college, the more I learn about how bad he was. With you, it’s fun. I like it when you tell me what to do. The way you do it feels safe. I don’t want to go too fast but we can keep doing this sort of thing for now, as long as you’re okay with it?”

“Oh. Of course. Yes!” Gina caught herself speaking too fast, too excited.

“Okay. Wait here,” Kendall said, setting down her half-drunk tea and excusing herself out of the apartment. Less than a minute later she returned with a knock. When Gina opened the door, Kendall had fetched her old collar and held it in her teeth. Wordlessly she stepped to Gina, dropped the collar in her hands, and returned to the kitchenette. There she took her tea and hid behind it as best she could, practically vibrating with nervous energy. She had never done something so bold.

“That was hot.” Gina hissed and spun on her heel, clutching the gift tight. “Kendall. Perrita. Are you wearing a collar?”

“A special one.” She stood and removed her scarf, revealing a collar that Gina instantaneously recognized as a BLNK collar. It was smaller than the version Gina knew – more compact and less scuffed than others. It still had a small digital timer on the side. The tiny screen read, “60:00.”

“How were you able to get one without volunteering?”

“I am volunteering. For you. Just for you this time.” Kendall wrapped a fin
ger through the loop on the collar and turned it around her neck, showing it off. “The nurses at the Center said this is the new model that turns on when I tell it too. It actually uses some super cool encryption.” Kendall continued for a bit, explaining the fine details of the encryption algorithm it used. Gina attempted to follow but had little knowledge of the high-level math involved. This conversation flowed in this way until their tea was drunk.

“And here I thought the desert I bought from the patisserie down the street was going to be the big surprise tonight,” Gina said as she collected up Kendall’s mug. “You’re making me want to skip dinner altogether.”

“You promised to spoil me.” Kendall hurried to Gina’s side and nestled her face into the crook of her neck. “When I turn this on,” she whispered, “You can do whatever you want with me. You can even have sex with me.”

“Kendall!” Gina gasped and clapped her hands over her mouth.

“Sorry for the naughty language mistress.”Kendall yipped and jumped back.

“Naughty language.” Gina cooed. “You can use naughty language with me. You are in my home, sharing tea and dinner with me while wearing a collar that turns you into a mindless sex toy. By all means, please go on. Be naughty.”

“I don’t know what else to say actually,” Kendall said too fast. The slim sheet of a flirtatious facade folding under the weakest pressure. “Can’t you just tell me what I should say now? I know that I don’t know a lot about sex stuff and I get really shy when I have to talk about it.”

“Fair. Let me try this.” Gina stepped slowly out of the kitchenette. As she passed Kendall, Gina hooked a finger through a loop that folded out on the collar and pulled her along to the couch again.

“Think about what you want me to do to you. You don’t have to tell me. Just think about it.” Gina said without looking back. If her gaze made Kendall anxious or shy, she would avert it for now. What she heard was a whimper and half-spoken words.

“It sounds like you thought of something?”


“Then speak, if you want.” Gina said, stealing a look. Kendall looked excited. Good. “Of course, I can stop. I can go start dinner instead. What would you like right now?”

“No don’t stop. Please, mistress. I imagined your fingers inside. Inside me. Down there.”

“If you’re obedient, I can make that happen.”

“My head’s getting cloudy mistress, like last time. I feel really really tingly now. How do I be good? What do I do that’s nice for you? I don’t know how to make girls feel nice but I can learn if you teach me?”

“Remember last time?” Gina sat cooly, crossing one leg over the other. “Spoiling you was my pleasure.” That was the truth. She’d been so focused on Kendall that she fell asleep without finishing herself or asking Kendall for reciprocation. She was ready to do that again – she’d do anything to keep her happy.

“This is okay?” Kendall said. Her knees were shaking. “The collar and me, even if I don’t know about how to make you feel good to or about things like sex.”

“You. All of this. Everything is perfect.”

“Thank gosh.” Kendall let out a heavy sigh. “I’ve never dressed up like this. Just putting the collar on made me tingly then I had to feel it on my neck all the way here and I imagined what you would do to me when I got here and was still wearing it and that only made it worse. There were so many people in the garden while I was waiting and I think they all knew I was thinking bad thoughts about you.”

“Well, you look perfect. Incredible. Stunning.” Gina said, letting her gaze linger on Kendall. Now it seemed to embolden her. “I assure you, no one knew what you were thinking in the garden.” A little practical assurance would help Kendall relax, as well. Gina had certainly seen strangers things on campus than a girl overdressed for the weather and hiding a kinky collar.

“May I kiss you, Kendall?” Gina said looking away cooly.

“Oh my gosh yes please.” Kendall clutched Gina’s clothes as if they were the only thing keeping her sane. “You can also touch me in other places. If you want. You don’t have to.”

“I’ll ask when I’m ready.” Gina lifted Kendall’s chin and pressed their lips together. In that kiss, she could feel the sigh and tension melt out of her date.

“Remove your coat,” Gina whispered when she broke the kiss.

Kendall eagerly obeyed. She stood, dropping the coat to the floor, in a lacy set of black lingerie.

“So the collar wasn’t the only thing you were hiding?”

“No miss. I wanted to get you a present. I wanted it to be special. I’ve never worn something like this. I wanted to say thank you for spoiling me. I’ve never felt like the way you made me feel before and you’ve been really patient with me. I hope this is okay.”

“You are a very good girl.” Gina cooed, wrapping around Kendall’s hips. She kissed from her chest down to the mound of her crotch, pulling down the underwear down just enough to tease the muscles above her crotch. Kendall slumped back, the posture and poise melting, her eyelids heavy, her breaths were deep and quick.

“Thank you, mistress. Thank you.” The words came as heavy pants. “Please. Please. I don’t know what else to say, I’m too tingly. I can barely think now. I’ve been dressed up for hours now. Fix it, mistress.”

Gina pulled her hand back up and took her date by the collar. Kendall’s eyes flicked down and eager glee filled her body. She shivered with delight.

“You’ve worked so hard perrita. You must be so exhausted. I have never been happier and have never had a prettier, more pleasant date that this one, right now. I promise that.” Gina cooed. “Would you like me to turn off your mind now?”

“Yes, mistress.” Kendall panted. “Please. Do whatever you want to me.”

Gina took Kendall’s face in her hands. “I want to watch your mind melt away.”

“I’ve never done this with someone I know.” Kendall said, her pointer finger pressing against the collar’s activation screen. It beeped to life and Kendall shuddered as the BLNK entered her body. A timer counted down. “Thank you for spoiling me this weekend.” She shook her head, trying to hold on to the last of her mind. “Be gentle with my body, miss—”

Gina planted a kiss on her date’s lips and held it until she felt Kendall’s shoulders loosen and her jaw slacken. The little timer on the collar started with an electric beep. Gina sat back and marveled at her mindless date.

“Let me show you my gratitude.” Kendall obeyed while Gina fetched a band and tied back her hair. She had one hour to thank Kendall — for her gift, for their night together, for everything. In one hour, Gina swore she would fill Kendall with so much pleasure that she’d want to be owned by her. There would be no more room for pleasure in her skinny beautiful perfect body.

Kendall is developing into a wonderful puppygirl that is, somehow, afraid to say the word “sex.” I’m excited to see where the relationship goes with these two. If you’re wondering how they met, that’s covered in one of the chapters in “A Day in the Center.” You can pick up a copy over in my shop. Highly recommend it if you’re into stories with consensual (and pretty endearing) hypno-kink.

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— PotluckSoup

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