Flash Fiction

Cassie Gets Blanked

I’m bored wanna go get blanked together?

Jen Profile


Don’t be so responsible, it’ll be hooooooot. Like, you and me, and we can dress up like we’re twins or something.

Jen Profile

We look nothing alike.

But Lewis is out of town. Please save me. <3

Can I borrow your BF? Just for a little bit?

I’ll send pics.

Jen Profile

He’s helping me study.

You two are totally fucking right now aren’t you?

Jen Profile

[Read — 4:15]

I knew it!

He can join too and use both of us!


Okay fine, I’m gonna go get blanked at least pick me up and let me join?

Taking the shot, wish me luck!

Jen Profile

[Read — 4:23]

Notification: Your body rental, BLNK#4541, is ready for pick up. Your blank will be held for your use until 10:15pm. To cancel notifications and donate this body for open use at the Clinic respond with FREEUSE.

Potluck Soup — Cassie Gets Blanked
Jen Profile


You will no longer receive notifications about this body. Thank you for your donation.

Jen Profile

[Read — 10:34]


I signed up for a six hour session and you left my body at the SMBC for the whole thing?!?!

I’m covered in cum. I can barely walk. I’m going to be sore for a week!

Jen Profile

You’re welcome.

Ugh. Thanks ;D

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  • Atlas
    December 5, 2019 at 1:18 pm

    As always – your work is amazing. So genuine and sexy.


  • Lex
    February 1, 2020 at 2:58 pm

    I *love* mind blanking! ;D

    Your work’s warm, cute, beautiful and sexy as hell. Only found you today but you’re going on all my “Sexy Artist” lists!